Monday, October 12, 2009

Stockpile Your Pantry!

This is a picture of my pantry after a few weeks of triple coupons and super doubles at Harris Teeter. I am well stocked on the essentials! Keep in mind I live in a household of two people and I shop for myself. Because of this, I don't need many multiple items in order to feed a family and my essentials last much longer. For all of you working professionals out there that are single, or a household of two or three, let me show you how you can save on your grocery bill. Follow along with me as I "Cook from the Pantry" over the next month and show you how to make healthy, more impressive, delicious meals for one or two with everyday items from your pantry. I will share with you how to stock your pantry, why it is an important and key part of saving money on your groceries, and how to cook using these ingredients. You'll find a weekly post with me checking in to share new recipes and ways to use your stockpile and stretch your dollars.

My challenge? Eat from the pantry for a month, creating delicious and healthy recipes from every day items. My weekly budget will be $20 to spend at the grocery store for fresh produce and proteins, but the rest will come from my stockpile (pantry and freezer). This low budget will allow for me to save on my grocery bill for the month, while making use of items I already have.


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