Wednesday, October 28, 2009

High Value Glade Coupon

Go here to print Glade soy candle BOGO coupons and go here to print $3/2 coupon. Then save these for a great sale. If you are new to couponing you will be excited to know that several places including CVS will allow you to use a BOGO coupon with their BOGO store sale to get 2 items completely free. (Savvyteacher and I did this with Cover Girl makeup at Rite Aid recently and we scored $40 in free foundation. We just paid tax!)

Now you just have to watch for a BOGO sale on Glade soy candles. I also watch the Target endcaps for these as they move pretty quickly through Target and I have been able to get them free or close to free.
Candles is another example of something to stockpile so you are never out of pocket very much!

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