Monday, October 19, 2009

Saving Money with Citipass

One great way to enjoy a social life, experience different local places, and save money, is using a Citipass or Entertainment Book. These discount books are a fabulous, fun, frugal way to enjoy going out on the town, while saving money.

These books are usually around $25 and you make your money back in just a few uses. I am lucky enough to have gotten one free the past couple years because of fundraisers at the school I work at and have really enjoyed using the coupons and exploring the city.

What I also love about the book is that is includes a variety of coupons. There are several restaurant coupons of varied price points, coupons for BOGO tickets to many local theaters, places of entertainment such as golf courses and arcades, as well as many store coupons.

Whether you are a local and know many places around town or newer to the area, the discount books not only offers great deals, but highlights local places. Many times I find new and exciting places that become a favorite!

Thiftynester and I love to use our discount books to explore new places around the city and have fabulous but frugal social entertainment. Look for our new series coming soon on how we enjoy going out for less with Citipass!


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