Sunday, January 4, 2009

Triple Coupons at Harris Teeter = cheap groceries!!

Trip #1 on Friday 1/2/09:

This was my first run at triple coupon weekend at Harris Teeter. Let me tell you, I never imagined that triple coupons would be a reason I could barely sleep due to excitement and having me spend several hours, giddy, preparing for this moment when I get home and spread out the goods and review my savings. A little bit crazy, agreed, but very money savvy so I'll take crazy if this is what it gets me!

The low down:
I needed milk and wanted salad so that was $6 of this (a third of the total price) so keep that in mind!

Before coupons total: $58.41
VIC savings: $3.99
Triple Coupons savings: $34.83
OOP Total Cost Paid: $19.59 for 22 items!
Savings= $38.82
It is just under $14 for the triple coupon 20!!

Triple Coupons Take 2 Morning of 1/4/08:

The low down:

Sunday the new paper came out with FIVE inserts. I get one delivered, and so I went to explore the coupons and they were basically amazing!! So, I did what I said I would never do, I threw on clothes and put my hair back and ran out for more papers. No shower, no fuss, it was a bit insane. Thriftynestor was a bit shocked and was curious if I had ever thought that it would be triple coupons at Harris Teeter that got me to go out in public before a shower. Yes, the moment has come.....I got 2 more papers and went through to cut out all the grocery ones I wanted to use. I headed (still no shower) to Harris Teeter for a round of triple coupons.

Total Before Coupons: $61.24 Vic Savings $6.03 Coupons triple savings: $39.18

Total Cost $16.03!!!!!
Savings = $45.21

Triple Coupons Take 3, Sunday 1/4/09 in the Evening:

The low down:

One shower later, I got supportiveheels to go with me and she even did some of her own deals and saved $23 of her groceries! I was very proud of her first experience in triple couponing and although I do remember her calling me "crazy" earlier, I think I proved my case!

Total Cost: $61.10 Vic Savings: $10.64 Coupons tripled savings: $35.74

Total OOP Cost: $14.72!!!!

Savings = $46.38

In sum, three trips to Harris Teeter for triple coupon deals that were $19.59, $16.03, and $14.72.

Total Grocery Cost for all Three Trips: $50.34

Total Savings: $130.41

$180 worth of groceries for $50? I'll take it!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Which paper did you get for harris teeter? We have one in northern virginia..I love triple coupons!