Monday, January 25, 2010

Organizing Your Emails!

Do you love getting freebies in the mail, freebie coupons to your email, but hate all of the junk mail that your inbox has to endure? There is a simple solution to the constant request for an email address when you sign up for free samples, coupons, and other great deals you see offered on the blogs. the solution- a "deal" email address!

With the Internet being as advanced as it is, we have the ability to create multiple email addresses for free. I sure love signing up for all the deals, and want to have access to the free things that are emailed to me, but I don't enjoy all the junk mail in my personal inbox. I find it is more efficient to have a separate email account in order to organize these things, and then you aren't giving out your personal account!

Before you go hunt that next deal, sign up for a free account for your deals. Gmail, hotmail, and yahoo have easily accessible emails for free.

Happy Deal Hunting!!

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