I don't know how many people have noticed, but Walgreen's is HOT this week. There are so many free items, and even more moneymakers than I've seen before, that I have probably visited Walgreens about 10 or more times this week already. Because the register rewards do not "roll" the same way that CVS's ECB's do, you have to make more trips and do more transactions. You also can't use more that one RR per purchase, another reason for the many trips and many transactions. Despite all of this, there are so many great deals it is worth it this week! Everything in this picture was completely free, I made money on it actually, but because of tax, the extra money is zeroed out.
Don't worry there is still time to get your freebies this week. Whether you already coupon, just started, or don't use them at all, you can get this deals!
What's FREE?
- Chapstick Fresh Effects: Cost $2.99 with a $2.99 register reward print out
- Robitussin To Go: Cost $2.49 with a $2.49 register reward, there is a $1 off coupon from last week's paper for a money maker if you have coupons
- Herbal Essence Products: Cost $2.99 with a $2 register reward. If you coupon you can use a $1/off 1 coupon to make it free, otherwise it is .99 for you!
- Halls Refresh: Cost $1, with a $1 RR print out. If you coupon you can use the .75/1 coupon for a money maker
- Vaseline Sheer Infusion Lotion: Cost $6.99, get $6.99 RR- there is a $1.50 printable, see http://hip2save.blogspot.com/2009/09/walgreens-deals-927-103.html for the link
- Dentek Floss: Cost $2, get $2 RR
- Oral B Advantage toothbrush: Cost $3, get $3 RR
Go and get your deals! Let me know how you did, and if you are new to the Wags game, tell me how I can help! I suggest picking one item, purchasing it, and then using the RR to purchase the next item.