Thursday, December 3, 2009

Coupon Trivia: Why do coupons expire?

Each Sunday I clip coupons and sort them in my binder. A few nights a month I take a few minutes and remove expired coupons during the advertisements of my favorite shows. It can be rather time consuming! Sometimes I wonder why coupons expire so fast? Is it really worth a manufacturer's time to generate a coupon that expires so quickly?

The answer is YES.

A decade ago coupons were generally good for at least six months. Today, the average coupon expires in about six weeks. Are you wondering why? Let's consider a few things. Coupons are often for new products and manufacturers want us to use new products as soon as they hit the market. Manufacturers pay good money for shelf space at grocery stores and there is quite a bit of competition to get it. Manufacturers use coupons to showcase these new items and introduce us to the product and/or brand hoping that we will come back for more and tell our friends to buy it.

Manufacturers are hoping that we will feel compelled to use our coupons before they expire. This means we might pay more then we should if we aren't watching the sales. Manufacturers are fine with that! 25 cent coupons can be very useful, but you have to watch for a good sale to pair them with or you might be wasting your money!

So remember that it is worth your time to cut and organize coupons. It is also important to watch for sales and only use a coupon when it is truly a deal.

Thanks Grocery Coupon Guide for the info!

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