Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's all about the coupons

As a fairly passive observer in this whole frugal living process, there are some observations that I make that just crack me up. Several months ago I would have been shocked to see Thriftynester up before 10 on a Sunday. Now I'm shocked if she isn't up by eight. Her motivation? The Sunday paper.

No, she's not a current events or news hound, she's a coupon addict. The Sunday addition of the local paper is like a drug, she's got to have her fix. Inside it's teeming with glossy pages full of colorful dollar signs to lure her in -- akin to an X addict and their brightly colored light sticks.

She steals for it, too. If she doesn't have $1.50 in quarters, she runs around the house, searching high and low for my coin stash, tipping up sofa cushions and even begging the cat. "I only need one more!" I hear her yell as she's frantically dashing from room to room.

When she finally gets her fix, when she's sitting on the once up-turned sofa cushion, she's calm and collected. The shakes start to subside as she opens the pages to reveal this week's must have deals. Order is restored, the coffee's brewing, and Sunday can finally begin.

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